What's New


Updated: 29/12/2023


I had two fabulous trips to Scotland this year. The first one was to the Isle of Mull during the summer (Mull Photos). The second one was a tour of Scotland, mostly focusing on the highlands, during the autumn. I've just added the photos to the website (Scotland Tour Photos).


I've written two posts about the trip: Scotland Tour Part 1 and Scotland Tour Part 2. You can also read all about my other trip to Scotland this year (Isle of Mull) and the fabulous Stoat encounter I had on my way home (Stoatally Fantastic).

A little while ago, I added a post entitled Discovering Butterflies of Sussex, which is all about the journey I've been on in recent years, learning about new species and trying to see them all. It's been so much fun!

I've also now added a new post Negative Mental Chatter, which is the next in the series Living The Best Life Possible. I talk about the ways in which I've learned to stop worrying and being negative, and how I'm focusing more on being positive.


I've had a new focus in 2023! I've decided to make more time for my writing. Over the last few years I've been writing a book. The aim is to finish it this year and attempt to have it published. You can find out more by clicking here.

As a result, there's been a shift in focus with the whole website. It's no longer just a platform for me to share my photos, but also my writing and nature experiences. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and I welcome any positive or constructive feedback.

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